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Brandon Overton

Brandon James Overton LCPL, USMC Feb. 13, 1986~March 23, 2011. Although Brandon lived in California as a small child, he grew up in Excel, Alabama, graduated high school, and joined the Marine Corps from Alabama.

Brandon and Chad (SGT Jerome Chad Lechlinski, USMC – also in our album of 22 Too Many Marine Corps Heroes) served together in the USMC and were on deployment when their vehicle was targeted and hit with explosives. Their gunner was killed upon detonation and fell into the truck. The impact of the explosion caused Brandon to be thrown out of the vehicle, and he suffered a compound fracture. Chad was able to retrieve the medical kit and treat Brandon’s injuries until the Corpsman arrived on the scene. The Corpsman then noted Chad was also injured and they were both put on the medivac to be taken back to camp. As a result of his heroic efforts, Chad was recommended for the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal. Brandon was a Purple Heart Recipient.

Brandon and Chad were close, like brothers, and now their mothers have a sad but special bond.

Here is more information about Brandon, shared by his mother, Kim:
Brandon raised service dogs for the VA; his special dog was Webster – a golden retriever he trained for service for a fellow injured veteran. Webster got his name from the “Doc” (Corpsman) whose name was “Doc Webster” (Dean Webster, who drove Brandon and Chad to safety, saving their lives the day of the bombing).

Due to his injuries, Brandon had 18 surgeries and was prescribed many opiates, on which he overdosed. The survivor’s guilt was the worst, because the day of the explosion he was being given a break by LCPL Kevin Smith, and in minutes a suicide car exploded and Kevin was killed on impact. Brandon carried the guilt of “it should have been me.” Brandon had just turned 19 the month before the bomb shattered their lives.

He was very outgoing and the best son and brother anyone could have. His only nephew, Tanner, was his whole world. Brandon was amazing

“In loving memory of our son, brother, uncle, grandson and best friend who was always there for us. We will miss him dearly and cherish his warm heart, deep love and jovial spirit. He will always be in our hearts and prayers. God forever bless him!”

#22toomany #OurHeroes are #NeverForgotten