CPL Jake Walter Bryan US Army
October 10, 1999 – August 29, 2022
Corporal Jake Walter Bryan, Active Duty United States Army Soldier, Comanche Troup 5th Squadron, 4th Calvary, 2nd Armor Brigade Combat Team, stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas, formerly of Weymouth, MA, suddenly passed away on August 29, 2022, surrounded by his loving family, friends, and fellow soldiers. Jake’s passing at such a young age brings immense pain to all lucky enough to have been in his life, but we will celebrate him every single day and remember that as a young organ donor, he gave so many others a second chance at life.
Jake always valued family and how strong of a bond he shared with his own. Beloved husband to his high school sweetheart Karley (Fuller) Bryan of Weymouth, cherished son of Alison and David Jennette of Weymouth, loyal brother to Alexandra, Patrick, Maxwell, and the late Cole, treasured step-son of Erin Dunn of Walpole, son-in-law of Laurie and the late Robert Fuller, caring brother-in-law to Kelsey Fuller of Braintree, adored grandson to Claire, John, Anne, John, Margaret and the late Walter. Jake will also be missed by a myriad of aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws and friends that are considered family. Jake’s heart is just as large, if not larger, than his family.
Not only was Jake a respected and successful soldier, Jake was a talented historian and could teach you more in an afternoon than a semester of college. With an uncontrollable passion for music, humor that could make a pessimist chuckle, dance moves that became key moments of social gatherings, and the need to make a situation unnecessarily awkward, Jake was easily the first person to be invited anywhere and everywhere. As one of the most loyal men to ever cross paths with, he never failed to go out of his way to help someone in need and never failed to put others before himself every single time.
“CPL Jake W. Bryan, 22, US Army, born October 10, 1999, lost his battle with his demons on August 29, 2022. Bryan was a Cavalry Scout with 5th Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division. He was a true soldier who always went beyond what was asked of him and was named his unit’s “Volunteer of the Year.” Bryan was an avid historian with a generous nature and a great sense of humor. His final gift to the world was donating his organs and giving others a second chance at life. Rest easy, Soldier. Til Valhalla, Brother!”
“Corporal Jake Walter Bryan, Active Duty United States Army Soldier, Comanche Troup 5th Squadron, 4th Calvary, 2nd Armor Brigade Combat Team, stationed at Fort Riley, fought his final battle on August 27th, 2022 at the age of 22. On August 29th, Jake gifted many others a second change at life after his loving family, friends, and fellow soldiers were lucky enough to have had the chance to share their final moments with him. “Boston,” a nickname coined by his comrades, returned home on September 8th and was laid to rest in Weymouth on September 13th. Jake was simply the best person to all who were blessed enough to ever have had in our lives, and his loss created an irreplaceable hole in our hearts.
One of Jake’s many qualities that remains undeniable, even after this life, is his selflessness. Jake’s family has created “Our Man on the Moon,” an annual cornhole tournament, where 100% of the donations are gifted to Stop Soldier Suicide, because we all know that 22 a day is unacceptable. Although Jake lost his battle, we won’t let his drive to help those in need fade.
His name will never stop being spoken, his memory will never die, and he will never stop being the life of the party. You are loved so much, Our Man on the Moon.”
Resting Place: Fairmount Cemetery, Weymouth, MA – burial with Military Honors.