Ray Nixon

SSG Micki Ray Nixon, of Savannah, Georgia, was known as Micki to his family but as Ray to his friends and co-workers. He was born in Oklahoma City, OK on 13 May 1972. He attended Crooked Oak High School before moving to Middleburg, FL, where he attended Nathan Bedford Forrest High School in Jacksonville, Florida where he played football. He loved medieval history and considered King Arthur to be his hero. SSG Nixon became interested in Role Playing Games, such as Dungeons & Dragons, Battletech, Shadowrun & Warhammer 40k, when he was a young child & enjoyed playing them until his death. SSG Nixon was also an avid fan of comic books and could recite the history of all the characters from the Marvel series.

SSG Nixon initially joined the Florida National Guard as a Medical Specialist until he entered active duty in December 1992. In May 1998, after a two-year break in service, SSG Nixon entered the Utah National Guard until October 2001, when he once again entered active duty as an Infantryman. SSG Nixon always wanted to serve in the military and it became even more important to him after the tragedy of Sept 11th occurred. SSG Nixon’s grandfather was a very influential person in his life, who taught him the values he lived by until his death. SSG Nixon’s wife, Janice; his sister Brenda; his niece, Savannah; and his nephew, Brayden were very important to him as well.

On becoming an Infantryman, he was assigned to Fort Stewart, Georgia and in June 2002, he was assigned to 3-7 Infantry Battalion. He served with 3-7 during OIF I, III, and V. During his 9 years of service with 3-7, SSG Nixon had several younger soldiers in his Company and was looked upon as a father figure. He would go out of his way to help them with any problems they were having. In addition to Soldiers in his own Company who came to him for advice, Soldiers from other Companies also came to him for advice as well. Our family would like SSG Nixon to be remembered as a man who thought of others before himself. He was a dedicated Soldier who loved the Army and his Country. He had a great sense of humor, he was kind, loved animals, believed in chivalry, and was a great husband. SSG Nixon was assigned to: Home Detachment, 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, Fort Stewart, Georgia.

Awards and Decorations Include: Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation w/Combat Distinguishing Device “V,” Army Commendation Medal (3), Army Achievement Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal (3), National Defense Service Medal w/Bronze Service Star, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal w/Bronze Service Star (3), Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, Noncommissioned Officers Professional Development Ribbon (2), Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (4), Combat Infantryman Badge, Combat and Special Skill Badge Basic Marksmanship Qual Badge, Bar, Weapon: Rifle (Inscription : Rifle), Right Side Award, Presidential Unit Citation (Army and Air Force), Valorous Unit Award, Overseas Service Bar (5)
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