Steven Monnin

MSgt Steven A. Monnin, USAF

March 18, 1969 – July 25, 2004

US Air Force 92nd Civil Engineering Squadron

Fairchild AFB, Washington

Steven’s hometown was Albuquerque, New Mexico. He and his wife, Elizabeth, were married for 16 ½ years and have four children. Steven coached their sons in sports and was also a leader in the Boy Scouts. He volunteered with the Big Brother program and Habitat for Humanity. Steven loved to race stock cars. His wife shares, “He was deployed to Panama during the Panama Coup attempt and also served in the first Gulf War. He spent a year remote in South Korea. We were stationed for three years in Germany, where we were the happiest. Our youngest son was born there. Steven loved restoring old cars and woodworking. He spent a year building a house when we lived in Wyoming.” Steven was active duty.

Final Rest: Santa Fe National Cemetery, New Mexico